Credit Risk: What’s in the name?

There are different types of credit risk, but my experience stems from retail banking, specifically for automotive finance and mortgage companies. After all, in my early days, I used to repossess cars and houses (not physically, have you seen me, lol)

Into the underwriting deal goes a set of different factors, which are as follows:

1. Income

2. LTV – Loan to Value

3. The deposit you are putting down

4. Asset value – this could be a pricey asset.

Now imagine you are a small business owner. What can you do to overcome this hurdle for someone whom you have decided to help out:

Here are some links for access to information, specifically if you are based in the UK:

1. Companies House – GOV.UK (

2. Individual Insolvency Register (IIR) – Home (

3. Social media channels – does the company/individual have a social media page you can check?

This is called sense checking, which is helpful if you want to go into business with someone.

If you have any bad eggs that you need help understanding in your ledger of debts, then contact Talk to Ron.